Prescription Transfer

*Pharmacie Guy Lachance and M-A Couturier Inc*
To transfer prescription(s) or file* simply fax us your request or new prescription at 514-937-2892 or call us at 514-937-2891.You may also email us at [email protected]
(*By law, not all prescriptions can be transferred)
Easily transfer any prescription(s) from your current pharmacy to Pharmacie Westmount (Legal Name : Pharmacie Guy Lachance and M-A Couturier Inc).
Fill out the required information below to begin the process. Please note that it may take up to one business day for your prescription to be transferred. Once the transfer is completed we will contact you in order to further process your request.
I am aware of the pharmaceutical services offered by Pharmacie Guy Lachance and M-A Couturier Inc and I agree to transfer my patient file including my active and expired prescriptions, my insurance coverage, my pharmacotherapeutic history and the name and license number of the prescribers in my file.
I understand that this transfer form gives Pharmacie Guy Lachance and M-A Couturier Inc consent to contact my pharmacy to complete the transfer. This decision has not been imposed on me and I remain free to change pharmacies at any time if I am no longer satisfied. In this case, this authorization would no longer be valid.